660 i=i3:J=J3:GOSUB 1420: rem get # captured pieces.
670 C1=C1+S1+1:H1=H1-S1:N1=N1+1
680 PRINT"That will give me"
690 print s1;" of your pieces."
700 IF F2=0 THEN SLEEP 3E6: GOTO 760
710 print"Click left button when"
720 print"you're ready for me to"
730 print"complete my play."
740 ask mouse x%,y%,b%
750 if b%=0 goto 740
760 i=i3:j=j3:u=1:gosub 1420: rem flip captured pieces
770 IF H1=0 THEN 1060
780 IF N1=64 THEN 1060
790 T1=Hu:T2=C
800 print "Click on your move square."
810 cmd 1: gosub 1820: cmd 2
820 If y>7 and y<10 then if x>3 and x<7 then pr%=1 else if x>0 and x<4 then pr%=2 else pr%=4 else if y>-1 and y<8 and x>-1 and x<8 then pr%=3 else pr%=4
830 on pr% goto 1280,840,880,800
840 print"You are forfeiting your turn."
850 if z=1 then 1060
860 z=1
870 goto 460
880 I=X+2: J=Y+2: IF A(I,J)=0 THEN 910
890 PRINT"Sorry; that square is"
900 print"occupied; try again.": goto 800
910 gosub 1340: if f1=1 then 950
920 print"Sorry; you're not next to "
930 print " one of my pieces;"
940 print"Try again.":goto 800
950 u=-1: gosub 1420: if s1>0 then 990
960 print"Sorry, that doesn't flank"
970 print"a row; try again."
980 goto 800
990 Z=0:PRINT"That gives you "
1000 print s1;" of my pieces."
1010 U=1: GOSUB 1420
1020 H1=H1+S1+1: C1=C1-S1: N1=N1+1
1030 IF C1=0 THEN 1060
1040 IF N1=64 THEN 1060
1050 GOTO 460
1060 PRINT: PRINT"You have ";H1;" pieces,"
1070 print "and I have ";C1;" pieces."
1080 IF H1=C1 THEN 1120
1090 IF H1>C1 THEN 1130
1100 PRINT"Sorry, I won that one."
1110 GOTO 1140
1120 PRINT"A Tie!": goto 1270
1140 C1=C1-H1: IF C1>0 THEN 1160
1150 C1=-C1
1160 C1=64*C1/N1
1170 PRINT"That was a ";
1180 IF C1<11 THEN 1260
1190 IF C1<25 THEN 1250
1200 IF C1<39 THEN 1240
1210 IF C1<53 THEN 1230
1230 PRINT"Walkaway.": GOTO 1270
1240 PRINT"Real Fight.": goto 1270
1250 PRINT"Hot Game!": goto 1270
1260 print"Squeaker!!"
1270 PRINT
1280 print"Do you want to play another game? (Click Y or N)"
1290 gosub 2200
1300 if x$="Y" THEN RESTORE 310: GOTO 200
1310 PRINT"Thanks for playing!"
1320 cmd 0: close #1
1330 END
1340 F1=0: FOR I1 = -1 TO 1
1350 FOR J1= -1 TO 1
1360 IF A(I+I1, J+J1)=T2 THEN F1=1:I1=1:J1=1
1370 NEXT J1, I1
1390 REM
1400 REM
1410 REM
1420 S1=0
1430 FOR K=2 TO 9:I5=I4(K):J5=J4(K):I6=I+I5:J6=J+J5
1440 S3=0: IF A(I6,J6)<>T2 THEN 1510
1450 S3=S3+1:I6=I6+I5:J6=J6+J5:IF A(I6,J6)=T1 THEN 1480